Saturday, May 12, 2007

Friend for Life

a.- True
When Tina and Will met at the collegue. They realized they had a standard goal and the same desire in the life.
They liked to shared their life together so They got to be a great friends.
They used to focuse thier friendship in their strong opoint of thieir persolality. So, They enjoyed to make a good conversation, they discusse about politics and economical subject also the love the same kind of music.
After the collegue they life took a diferrent way. Lisa doesn't gain a lof of money but she enjoyed to work with people becasuse she is a producction assistan for an art exibition insted Will gains a lot of money but he doesn't like his job, maybe he has a stressfull lifestyles than Lisa. They have the same responsability but in diferent level.
We cliked right away.
We hit it off right away.
We get alone very well.
We became close friend.
We have a few argument.
We wetn our separated way.
She'll always be there for me.