Friday, April 27, 2012


Autism “Passion hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion maybe we would know some kind of peace but we would be hollow, empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passion we'd be truly dead”. It was writing by Donna Williams who was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome by Dr Lawrie Bartak, one of Australia’s on leading autism experts, from Melbourne's Monash Medical Centre at Monash University, she was formed diagnosed on Autism on 1991 twenty years later. We can say that autism cause three main mental disorder such as: Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Asperger Syndrome and finally, Rett Syndrome. First of all, considering The Autism Spectrum Disorder which can be cause by environmental damage due to use of Heavy Metal, Pesticides and Vaccines. When we mention heavy metal, we are not talking about kinds of music. There are chemistries substances in our environment which cause this disease such as: Pb, Cd, Mg, people who has been expose to these substances for many years, they can present these pathologist. There are some symptoms as speaking disorder, lack of eyes contact, lack of concentration. Sometimes, we can observe them to do their work. We wonder why so essay for us to do that and for them is the hardest. Also, pesticides is other cause of this disease our sowing has been making some alteration to our food. Our land have been irrigate with pesticides which have in their chemistry composition two substances such as endosulfa and dicofol are been identified as the main cause of this disease which alter our AND. The greatest Crop Corporation knows about this. They would prefer sick many people instead of lost their money. Also, the Pharmacy industry in the early 50 did many researches which were successful for scientific community such as vaccine against measles, rubella. They have been identified as another cause of the autism because they cause a genetic problem in the mitochondrial. Secondly, as regards to the Asperger Syndrome which causes still are unknowns by scientist community has these common characteristics such as deficits to address poor communication skill, obsessive or repetitive routines, physical clumsiness. People with this kind of autism spectrum have more probability of having a normal life. They lives between us and we hardly ever notice them are different to us. In Colleges there are misunderstanding people because, they have obsessive routines. If you alter one of them, they can blow up. They learn how to manage their life by social story which in an easily language explain them what to do, what to say in these difficult situation, a bad day for example. Parents and friends play a important role. They could guide them thought their life to become them independent adult. They use different words to communicate with; they have their proper words each other. However, when they have fiscal challenges as gymnastic class, they can feel under stress because it would be a little difficult overcome. They have to work on it every day. Furthermore, we are another disease called Rett Syndrome this is cause by a mutation in the gene MECP2 which is located in the X chromosome. Thus disease, only affects women. They can present these symptoms such as infantile spasms, epilepsy, and micro-encephalic, panic attack. They don’t have eyes contact. They have much difficult to get along with the friend. They tend to be in companion or in crowded places. This is a degenerative disease which can cause in them loose her ability to walk also they present gastrointestinal problems. It is difficult for them to overcome this disease the patient has to do physiotherapy in order to relearn how to walk once again. In brief, Autism is a mental disease with fast development has on state of alert to several institutions around the world. These diseases are caused by agents as heavy metal, pesticides, vaccines which generate learning problems, speaking disorder, lack of eyes contact, obsessive routine in people who suffer one of these conditions. They have to work in order to overcome their weakness and be capable of becoming in their fortitude. The light of our soul light up the path which autistic people has to learn how to walk so they can integrate us to their own world. Writing by Victor Arana