Saturday, November 22, 2008

Teenager's privase

One of the most difficult ages for a living is being teenagers; they are suffering a lot of changes that they can know understand very well. I used to complain to my mother because, my sister was taller than me and, she often hit me. By the way, we were very naughty but, our studies were the principal for us. In another hand, our parent often respect our point of view about any topic so, they give us some advised about the things that happen in this life.
I think it is not a big dial being sixteen, we can count on our parent but, we ask them some independent because, we need to live our experiences by our own. If They tell us; “Please don't do that, we'll do it! Teengers harlyever learn from it.

However, what does privase mean for teenagers? Perphaps, keep out my bussiness or just live me alone, I need breathing. This is a presure time, they are become in adult. We must repect their own space.
I considere Teenagers have to do the chores in the house whether they want to go out with their friend and ask their parents permisions. This attitud hepl them lean to be responsable and they will we ready for the future.